You are Not the Only One

Hi Everyone! 

I started attending a course called Family Connections to learn more about emotional dysregulation.  The first class was an overview and all about getting to know the Instructors and the fellow attendees.  It reminded me that no matter what we are going through in life, we are not the only ones and we are definitely not alone. 

So many of their stories resonated with events in my life that I had gone through in one way or another, as my children and I journeyed through healing from abuse and divorce.  We have had our share of struggles with mental illness; depression, anxiety, PTSD, and bipolar to name a few. 

I remember when the tough times hit, my first impulse was to isolate myself from others.  I didn’t want to have to explain what was happening in my life and I didn’t want any judgement either.  Life was hard enough to get through without anyone adding to it. 

However, what I fail to realize is that we all have a story and things we’ve had to walk through.  All too often we put up a false front, so that others think things are great. How sad that we can’t just be real with each other and tell the truth.  How important it is to share our burdens with one another and not feel like we carry the weight of it alone.  It is so invaluable to learn that you are not the only one who has gone through something. 

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” 

There is nothing new.  It’s only new to us when something happens that we are completely unprepared for, ashamed of, or struggling with.  For example, this past month when my son went into the hospital due to mental illness, I was struggling with my emotions over the situation.  I was overwhelmed.  The moment I phoned my cousin, who’s own son had struggled with mental illness, I felt relief.  She listened, let me cry and she prayed with me.  She offered the understanding I needed so that I didn’t feel like I was alone in my struggles. I was not the only one. 

I want to encourage you, it is refreshing to the soul to speak to someone who knows your struggles and can share in your journey with you.  I recommend you use wisdom; not everyone is understanding and non-judgemental.  However, look for the right person who shows understanding and kindness.  Look for the person who is a good listener or who you know has faced tough times in their past, or is facing something similar presently. 

I want to encourage all who have found healing to look for those who need encouragement, who need someone to talk to, who need someone who’s willing to be real with them.  It says in Ephesians 4:2, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”  I believe we can love others by being truthful and honest, being real about our lives and helping each other understand that in this life we are not the only ones. 

Help someone today to realize they are not alone and not the only one.  Please share this encouragement with others.  If you have no one to talk to, please email me at  I would love to support you on your journey.  Let’s shake it up a little and be real with each other! 


Andrea Vestby

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